Famacity grew from 300 to 600 stores, in addition to unifying digital and physical channels

Farmacity is the largest retail pharmacy chain in Argentina and also has stores selling mass consumer products, beauty, natural and personal care products. Its existing product and customer management systems did not allow it to scale and support the growth expected for the coming years. The company implemented Dynamics 365 and managed to reduce processes and times, unify customer management in all its channels and thus face the challenge of digital transformation.
Implement a platform that allows them to have a centralized view of the customer, improve the information process in the short term by streamlining internal processes and unifying the management of customers in all channels. Update their drug database quickly, and manage promotions and price updates.
Dynamics 365 under agile methodologies that allow you to deliver value to the customer.
- Consigue una gestión integrada que le permite tener una visión unificada de todas las áreas de la empresa con información en tiempo real.
- Reduce a menos de un tercio el tiempo en la generación de informes de gestión financiera.
- Dispone de información consolidada en tiempo real.
- Operación más ágil y flexible, planifica, ejecuta y controla las acciones comerciales de forma centralizada.